In 2011 I was honored to participate on a Q&A panel at a pastors conference in Mount Hermon, Northern California. My pastor Chuck Smith, a good friend David Guzik, and myself fielded questions through the moderator, John Snoderly. Recently, I listened to the Q&A ten years later, and it struck me that the questions are […]
Women and Church Leadership
This week, Saddleback Church announced the appointment of three female pastors. This was applauded by many evangelicals. Yet I believe this breaks the heart of the God who made us male and female. Both genders and the roles assigned to each are designed by God to teach spiritual truths. The Bible says that Christian men […]
How We Role
1 TIMOTHY 3:1 his is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work. Church leaders go by different titles: reverend, parson, priest, padre, cleric, vicar… to name a few. The NT has more fitting titles: shepherd, servant, slave, steward, fellow-soldier, laborer, elder, brother… Here in 1 Timothy 3:1 Paul suggests two titles for church leaders… […]
My Haitian Vacation
ecently, I was invited to Haiti to teach at a pastors and leaders conference. Usually, I greet such an invitation with enthusiasm, but I have made the journey to Haiti many times, and it is never easy. Haitian life in general is hard. The title of this article is an oxymoron. A trip to Haiti […]
A Reflection On The Life Of Billy Graham
n February 21st two big events occurred in my life: I turned 60 years old and Billy Graham went to be with Jesus. Understand, I am not being presumptuous by referring to Billy Graham as part of my life. I did not know him. I never met him. Once I participated in a crusade and […]
Living Grace
There is one core value shared among Calvary Chapels that, to me, is more important than any other. It is truly high and holy ground.
Male Leadership
A core value I pray all Calvary Chapel pastors maintain is the principle of male leadership in the church and in the home.
God’s Word
One of Calvary Chapel’s core values is our approach to teaching God’s Word. But my concern may not be what you think.
Dependence on the Holy Spirit
A core value of Calvary Chapel pastors is our dependence on the power of the Holy Spirit. We can teach the Bible verse by verse…
Pre-Tribulation Rapture
One of Calvary Chapel’s core values is an eager anticipation of Jesus’ soon return for His Church. We look for the rapture! The “Pre-trib rapture” of the Church has been a lynchpin in Calvary Chapel’s history, and it will also be a key to our destiny.
Servant Leadership
In the following series, Pastor Sandy Adams, of Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain, will discuss the seven foundational truths upon which we have chosen to base our ministry.